After a good break in September (where the family went on a road trip up to Northern Queensland as far as the Great Barrier Reef - amazing place…) I started working on some rough ideas for a new album entitled "Island and Sea". The album will be split into two parts and covers themes of colonisation and immigration. At the moment I've finished writing one piece and have started working on a second. I got some field recordings while on our road trip and plan to use some of this audio in the compositions. I'll post more news about this in the new year...

I also dipped back into some old recorded ideas (eight years old, in fact) from when I was living Ireland. A friend reminded me of a previously recorded rock instrumental - called Reflect - and I’ve been redoing all the rhythm and guitar parts. Even dusted off the whammy bar for my Strat to do a few sonic squeals and dives. Hoping to have all the recording and mastering for Reflect done for a December release on iTunes.

There’s also some final guitar and arrangements I’m working on for The Dolls Suite album. Trying to get that album completed before the end of the year. The music for this was inspired by friend and artist Jackie Hudson-Lalor (from her exhibition “One Need Not be a Chamber to be Haunted”). I’ve previously posted The Doll Collector from this album on Soundcloud.
You can check out some of Jackie’s amazing work here…